Major Portals for U.S. Data
Overviews & Analysis
Note: See also articles and working papers on the Home tab above.
- Congressional Budget Office
- Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions ("The Beige Book") (1970- )
Published eight times per year, summarizes economic conditions based on data reported from each of the twelve federal reserve districts.
- Economic Report of the President, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers.
Govt Doc Collection, call number varies (Annual; Library has 1947- )
Available via govinfo, 1995-; FRASER, 1947-
Each annual issue summarizes economic policies; includes annual report of the Council of Economic Advisors
- Treasury Bulletin (Monthly; Library has 1975- )
Main Periodical
Each issue begins with a profile of the economy.
Economic Indicators
Note: While there is overlap between the following sources, each also has unique indicators.
- Economic Indicators
Covers a number of indicators drawn from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and Census Bureau
- Economic Indicators, prepared by the Council of Economic Advisers for the Joint Economic Committee, monthly
Main Periodical (Library has 1941- )
Available via govinfo, 1995-; FRASER, 1948-
Output, income & spending; employment & wages; production & business activity; prices; money, credit & security markets; federal finance; international statistics.
- FRASER Economic Indicators (Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research)
Current Data
- Economic Research Div., Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Excellent source of money and banking, macroeconomics, and international and regional economics data. Includes:
-Fred2 is a database of over 3000 economic time series covering banking, prices, employment, exchange rates, GDP, interest rates, reserves & monetary base, trade & international transactions
-Fraser, an archive of historical data and publications.
- Bureau of Economic Analysis
Historical and current NIPA tables, direct investment, balance of payments, income, state and regional data, industry data, and international data.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
The best source for labor data. Among the topics covered are unemployment, employment, earnings, productivity, consumer expenditures and prices, industrial relations, employee benefits, occupational safety and health, and much more.
- Bureau of the Census
Many economic series are conducted by the Bureau, including the Economic Census, County Business Patterns, Annual Survey of Manufactures, Current Industrial Reports. Topics covered include: finance, trade, demography, prices, income, labor, and much more. Use the A-Z list on the left-hand side.
- Economic Report of the President, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers.
Govt Doc Collection, call number varies (Annual; Library has 1947- )
Available via govinfo, 1995-; FRASER, 1947-
Each annual issue summarizes economic policies; includes annual report of the Council of Economic Advisors. Includes statistical tables covering national income or expenditure, population, employment, wages, productivity, business activity, prices, money stock, credit, finance, corporate profits, agriculture, and some international data. Many of the tables have historical data.
- Survey of Current Business
Main Periodical (Monthly; Library has 1921- )
Online (1994- )
Monthly publication includes a section of selected national, regional, and international economic and business statistics. Extensive annual NIPA data appear in August issue.
- Statistical Supplement to Survey of Current Business/Business Statistics of the United States
Govt Doc C 18.37: (Library has 1931, 1932, biennially 1936-1953)
Govt Doc C 59.11/3: (Library has: biennally or triennially 1975-1991)
Main Ref. HC101 .A13122 (Library has 1997- )
Chapters on national income and product; production; income; poverty; spending; state & local; trade; prices; employment; rates, etc. Each issue contains historical data. The data is nicely compiled and assembled; difficult to find this much in one place anywhere else.
Historical Data
- Statistical Abstract of the United States.
Formerly published by the U.S. Census Bureau since 1879. "Comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States."
A great place to start looking for data. Footnotes to tables lead you to more detailed or more current data.
The introduction to each section provides a helpful summary of major sources.
Previous editions are also available from the Census Bureau,
elsewhere online, or in
- International Historical Statistics, 1750-
Worldwide coverage of statistics, including population & vital statistics, labor, agriculture, industry, trade, transport & communications, agriculture, education, and national accounts.
- Historical Statistics of the United States.
Comprehensive, searchable collection of statistics, including 37,000+ data sets that can be downloaded.
A historical supplement to the Statistical Abstract of the United States.
A great place to start looking for data. Footnotes to tables lead you to more detailed or more current data.
The introduction to each section provides a helpful summary of major sources.
Previous editions are available from the Census Bureau,
HathiTrust, and
elsewhere online and in print.
- Long Term Economic Growth: 1860-1970
Govt Doc C 56.102:Ec 7/860-970
1200 annual economic time series, carried back to 1860 when possible.
- Bureau of Economic Analysis
Historical (some back to 1920's) and current NIPA tables, direct investment, balance of payments, income, state and regional data, industry data, and international data.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
Among the topics covered are unemployment, employment, productivity, consumer expenditures and prices, industrial relations, employee benefits, occupational safety and health, and much more. Current and historical (some back to 1920's) data.
- Survey of Current Business
Main Periodical (Monthly; Library has 1921- )
Internet (1994- )
Monthly publication includes a section of selected national, regional, and international economic and business statistics. Extensive annual NIPA data appear in August issue.
- Statistical Supplement to Survey of Current Business/Business Statistics of the United States
Govt Doc C 18.37: (Library has 1931, 1932, biennially 1936-1953)
Govt Doc C 59.11/3: (Library has: issued every 2-3 years 1975-1991)
Main Ref. HC101 .A13122 (Library has 1997- )
Each issue contains historical data.
- Economic Report of the President, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers.
Govt Doc Collection, call number varies (Annual; Library has 1947- )
Available via govinfo, 1995-; FRASER, 1947-
Each annual issue summarizes economic policies; includes annual report of the Council of Economic Advisors. Includes statistical tables covering national income or expenditure, population, employment, wages, productivity, business activity, prices, money stock, credit, finance, corporate profits, agriculture, and some international data. Many of the tables have historical data.
See also the "Federal Agencies & Research Organizations" tab on this guide.
See also our list of major Statistics databases.