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Philosophical Issues of Gender and Race, Phil 1321/GSWS 1321: Citation searching

Databases for Citation Searching and Footnote Chasing

Citation searching and/or footnote chasing are supported in a variety of ways by databases that the library subscribes to as well as freely available databases.

  Databases Citation searching Link to citing references Footnote chasing Other
ProQuest databases Some ProQuest databases.   From both the results list and the document view, "Cited by [n]" links to citing materials. "References" links to items cited in a given work. "Documents with shared references" lists other materials that cite some of the same items that the given one does.
Some enhanced ProQuest databases. The advanced search allows searching in the following fields: Reference, Cited author, Cited document title, Cited publication date, and Cited publication title. From both the results list and the document view, "Cited by [n]" links to citing materials. References are available as a part of any fulltext items. "Documents with shared references" lists other materials that cite some of the same items that the given one does.
Ebook Central. Notes and bibliographies are fulltext-searchable. From the results list, "Cited by [n]" links to citing materials. References are available as a part of any fulltext items.  
EBSCO databases Some EBSCO databases.

For more information, see Cited References, EBSCO.

Citation searching is available through "Cited References" (in the blue bar at the top). Follow instructions there. From both the results list and the document view, "Times Cited in this Database" links to citing materials.    
Other databases Compass. Best Bet Citation searching is available from the results list or from the record of the cited item. From either the results list or the item's record, click on graphic indicated citing items From either the results list or the item's record, click on graphic indicating citations  
Scopus. Best Bet Citation searching is available by choosing the "References" field in the "Search within" drop-down. From the document view, citing materials are listed under "Cited by [n] documents". From the document view, references are listed under "References".  
ScienceDirect. The advanced search allows searching in a "References" field (under "Show all fields"). From the document view, "Cited by [n]" links to citing materials. References are available as a part of any fulltext items.  
ACM Digital Library   From the document view, citing materials are listed under the Bibliometrics & Citations button  > Citations (Cited by). From the document view, references are listed under "References".  
Nexis Uni. Notes and bibliographies are fulltext-searchable. From the document view, "Citing Decisions", "Shepardize® this document", or "Other Citing Sources" link to citing materials. References are available as a part of any fulltext items.  
Westlaw. Notes and bibliographies are fulltext-searchable. From the document view, the "Citing References" tab lists citing materials. References are available as a part of any fulltext items.  
HeinOnline > Law Journal Library. Notes and bibliographies are fulltext-searchable. From the results view, "Cited by [n] Articles" links to citing articles.
From the document view, the ScholarCheck drop-down button (above the table of contents on the left) links to citing materials.
References are available as a part of any fulltext items.  
Google Scholar. Notes and bibliographies are fulltext-searchable. From the results list, "Cited by [n]" links to citing materials. References are available as a part of any fulltext items.  
Other fulltext databases (entirely or in part) such as:

* See also above for other options.

Notes and bibliographies are fulltext-searchable.   References are available as a part of any fulltext items.  
  Databases Citation searching Link to citing references Footnote chasing Other