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Church Records

18th and 19th century records of several Maine, Massachusetts, and Washington, D.C. churches



The 18th and 19th century records of several MaineMassachusetts, and Washington, D.C. churches are held by Special Collections & Archives. Some relate to churches that no longer exist; others still hold services today. These historical documents range from deeds, to detailed record books, to correspondence concerning the church's founding.

Minor documents (pew rentals, hiring records, etc.) relating to individual churches may be contained in the papers of the ministers who served them (e.g. the Elijah Kellogg Papers). Several collections of manuscript sermons, such as those of Jesse Appleton, Bowdoin's second president (1807-1819), and Edward Chipman Guild, a minister who served in Brunswick, Maine (1885-1894), are also available. Consult collection guides for more information.

Special Collections also houses published sermons, annual conference reports, and other church related material. Consult the on-line catalog, or check with the staff for uncataloged items.

This list will be updated as new items are discovered or accessioned.

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The George J. Mitchell Department of Special Collections & Archives (SC&A) collects, preserves, and makes available unique rare books, manuscripts, historical College records, and increasingly, digital collections. Students, scholars, and all with an interest are invited to explore and learn from these world-class collections through their own research as well as our varied exhibits, instructional sessions, and public programs.