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The Beach: Nature and Culture at the Edge, ENVS 3982: Introduction

The three-legged stool on the beach

Professor: Connie Chiang

Librarians: Sue O'Dell and Barbara Levergood

Sciences Social Sciences Humanities
"Systematic knowledge of the physical or material world." Random House Dictionary of the English Language. "Any discipline or branch of science that deals with the sociocultural aspects of human behaviour." Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. "Branches of knowledge that investigate human beings, their culture, and their self-expression." Britannica Concise Encyclopedia.
 Political Science

Fire Island

Fire Island

"The potential inundation, I, of the beach system at Fire Island NS for Category 1-4 hurricanes is defined as the difference between Rlow and Dhigh. A 200-m smoothing window was applied to the data before plotting. Positive values indicate that modeled storm surge exceeds the elevation of the dune crest, suggesting that the beach system is more vulnerable to inundation and the associated extreme coastal changes." Source: U.S. Dept. of the Interior. U.S. Geological Survey. Vulnerability of National Park Service Beaches to Inundation during a Direct Hurricane Landfall: Fire Island National Seashore. Hilary F. Stockdon and David M. Thompson. Open-File Report 2007–1389. October 2007, Figure 5, pg. 5.



Esther Newton. Cherry Grove, Fire Island :
sixty years in America's first gay and lesbian town.

Boston, MA : Beacon Press, [1993].

Subject Guide

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Erin Valentino
Room 111-D in H-L