Important political science journals such as the following are included in the databases below.
- American Journal of Political Science (1)
- American Political Science Review (5)
- American Politics Quarterly (not in JSTOR)
- Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (3)
- Journal of Politics (5)
- Journal of Women, Politics & Policy (not in JSTOR)
- Legislative Studies Quarterly (5)
- Political Science Quarterly (5)
- Polity (5)
- Public Administration Review (5)
- Public Opinion Quarterly (5)
- Social Science Quarterly (5)
- Political Research Quarterly (formerly Western Political Quarterly) (1)
Following the journal title is the number of the most recent years embargoed (i.e. not available) in JSTOR. Thus, also be sure to search Worldwide Political Science Abstracts for most recent journal articles!
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts Best Bet for very recent articles
JSTOR Best Bet for articles more than 5 years old
Academic Search Complete