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Maps, Territory, and Power in Asia, Hist 2892/ASNS2892: Maps in Bowdoin Library

Sheet maps in Bowdoin College Library

Sheet maps in Bowdoin College Library are held in the collections listed below. Note that not all of our maps are in Compass.

Maps Collection

The following major sheet map series are held in the small Maps Collection in H-L Library. (The Maps Collection is on the lower level near the microforms.)

  • Miscellaneous Maine maps and posters
  • Maine Transportation Maps (filed by county or by town)
  • U.S. government maps (filed by SuDocs call number)
  • World War II Newsmaps
  • Other maps
  • U.S. government posters (filed by SuDocs call number)

Government Documents Collection

Some folded sheet maps are in the Government Documents Collection in HL Library. These are shelved by SuDocs (Superintendent of Documents) call number. Ask us for assistance.

Sheet maps in this collection include a small collection of Soil Survey maps, Govt Doc A 57.38: and A 57.38/19:

George J. Mitchell Department of Special Collections & Archives

Map Collection in Special Collections & Archives. Listing of loose maps in SCA. Contact Special Collections and Archives staff for more information about their holdings.

Hatch Science Library

  • Maine Geological Survey maps
  • USGS Geological Quadrangle maps
  • USGS topographical maps, 7.5' and 15'
  • other miscellaneous maps

Options for searching for maps & atlases in Compass

Note that not all of our maps are in Compass.


Use similar techniques to search WorldCat (a catalog of the holdings of most major libraries in the U.S.), HathiTrust (great for federal government publications and materials published before 1923), and the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (for Federal government publications after 1976; use advanced search).

To find ... sheet maps and atlases

To find sheet maps and atlases in our catalog, Compass, do an advanced search, limiting to "Material Type" = "Maps".

To find ... books on a topic of interest that have maps in them

To find books on a topic of interest, e.g. Maine, that have maps in them such as histories, travelogues, travel guides, and other materials presumably presenting a spatial perspective, keyword search in Compass as follows:
maine AND (map OR maps OR atlas*)
Since results will include materials about maps as well materials that include maps, look especially at records having map (maps) or atlas (atlases) in the Format field of the full record display.

To find ... books about maps and a topic of interest

To find books about maps and a topic of interest, e.g. Maine, subject search in Compass as follows:
maine AND (map OR maps OR atlas*)

To find ... books about travel

To find books about travel, subject search in Compass as follows:
japan AND (travel*)

Library of Congress Call Numbers

Library of Congress call numbers for posters and maps of Asia in the Maps Collection in the basement of HL Library, drawer 13 labelled "Non-federal maps".

Country LC call number begins with
Russia G7062
India G7652
China G7821
South Korea G7901
North Korea G7907
Japan G7961