The Bowdoin College Library uses the Library of Congress call number classification system. If you want to browse the shelves (in person or online), here are some good places to start:
F1201-3799 Latin America. Spanish America
F1201-1392 Mexico
F1421-1440 Central America
F1601-1629 West Indies
F2201-3799 South America
F2251-2299 Colombia
F2301-2349 Venezuela
F2351 Guiana
F2361-2391 Guyana. British Guiana
F2441-2471 French Guiana
F2501-2659 Brazil
F2661-2699 Paraguay
F2701-2799 Uruguay
F2801-3021 Argentina
F3051-3285 Chile
F3301-3359 Bolivia
F3401-3619 Peru
F3701-3799 Ecuador
Subject Headings are umbrella terms or phrases used to classify information on a certain subject -regardless of the actual language used. Once you find a useful Subject Heading, you'll be able to see all the other items assigned that heading. However, Subject Headings have unique structures and can therefore be difficult to find. Here are some ideas for searching the online catalog: Country -- Subject Bolivia -- History Argentina -- Sociology Cuba -- Religion Costa Rica – Environmental Protection Region – Subject Examples Latin America -- History Subject—Country (or region) Examples Art -- Latin America Art -- Mexico Architecture -- Uruguay Social movements – Ecuador Catholic Church -- Nicaragua Public Health – Panama Race Relations – Colombia Women -- Bolivia Literature -- Caribbean literature -- Black authors -- History and criticism Industry, Commerce, and Business information: Forestry -- Chile Dance -- Guatemala Notable Events Examples Malvinas Dirty War Conquest
Brazil -- Politics
Central America -- Discovery and exploration
South America – Drug Traffic
Andes – Mountain Ecology
Caribbean Area – Politics and Culture
Group identity -- Latin America
Literature, Comparative -- Latin American and African
Dance – El Salvador
Agriculture -- Paraguay
Latin America -- Economic conditions
Business enterprises -- Latin America
United States -- Commerce -- Latin America
Marketing -- Latin America
Industrial policy -- country
Telecommunication systems -- Latin America
Corporations, American -- Latin America
Small business -- Latin America
Informal sector (economics) -- Latin America
Agricultural industries -- Latin America