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The Mexican Revolution: Books

Requesting Materials from Outside Bowdoin

When a book is not available in Compass at Bowdoin, Colby, or Bates, search MaineCat to determine whether that network has the book you want. If so, click on "request this item." Do not wait until the last minute to request materials!

If not, the next option is traditional Interlibrary Loan. Interlibrary Loan is also the first stop for all journal articles not available at Bowdoin. Through Interlibrary Loan, you have access to books and journal articles from libraries across the U.S. and around the world.

You can discover some of the available materials (not including journal articles) through WorldCat. Before requesting materials via Interlibrary Loan, determine whether the items are available via Compass. If not, use "Request through ILL".

To use Interlibrary Loan, you must first register with the system and set up a user name and password. Then fill out a form with information identifying your book or article. (You do not need to know which library has the item you want; the Interlibrary Loan department finds a holding library on your behalf.) Articles are usually sent electronically, while books travel to Bowdoin in hard copy. You will be notified when the materials arrive. Do not wait until the last minute to request materials via Interlibrary Loan!

Bowdoin Digital Delivery and Interlibrary Loan summarizes the options.

Full-text E-books

Strategies for finding e-books

  1. E-books accessible from Bowdoin are available through Compass. You can limit your search to materials available online.
  2. The library has also purchased several collections of e-books, available through our list of Databases, including Ebook Central, Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800 w/ suppl., Early American Imprints, Series II: Shaw-Shoemaker, 1801-1819 w/ suppl., Early English Books Online, Eighteenth Century Collections Online, Oxford Scholarship Online, and e-books and journals via SpringerLink. Books in these collections are also in Compass.
  3. Search in Compass; limit to: Available online.

Other sources for e-books

HathiTrust Best Bet
Over 3.7 billion full-text searchable pages from almost 6 million book titles and almost 300,000 serial titles. Hint: To limit your search to materials that you will be able to read full-text, check "Full view only" below the search box. Login to HathiTrust to take full advantage of Bowdoin Library's membership benefits, allowing you to download full PDFs of public domain works. See Help or A User’s Guide to HathiTrust for more information.

Internet Archive
"Includes texts, audio, moving images, and software as well as archived web pages." See Search for more information.

Digital Public Library of America
"An all-digital library that aggregates metadata — or information describing an item — and thumbnails for millions of photographs, manuscripts, books, sounds, moving images, and more from libraries, archives, and museums around the United States." Note: Not all (any?) materials are full-text searchable.

Google Books
Books from all disciplines, many available full-text and full-text searchable. See Help for more information.

Library of Congress E-books
This guide points to some databases of e-books.

Library Catalogs

Advanced Search

Library Catalog Descriptions

Use these catalogs to identify books and e-books, videos, music scores and sound recordings, magazine and journal titles,* newspaper titles,* some government documents, and more...

Compass is the new integrated catalog for Bowdoin, Colby, and Bates. It replaces both CBBcat and OneSearch. Tips:

  • You must sign in to access all features.
  • To locate print books held at Bowdoin Library, make a note of the location and call number.
  • If you are looking for a specific item, search Compass by title or author. For searching a topic, start with a keyword search.
  • When you find some relevant materials, (a) check the subject headings to focus your search or to find additional terms to use in searching. (b) Make a note of the call number of print materials. Go to that call number area and look for other books having a similar call number on your topic.
  • Request materials from Colby or Bates using "CBB Request".
  • E-books not held at Bowdoin are not accessible via CBB Request or Interlibrary Loan.

Database of the holdings of academic and public libraries in Maine.

Extremely large catalog of holdings of libraries, primarily in the U.S. Before requesting materials via Interlibrary Loan, determine whether the items are available via Compass. If not, use "Request through ILL".

Subject Headings

Some useful subject headings
Mexico -- History -- Revolution, 1910-1920
Mexico -- History -- 1910 - 1946
Mexico -- Politics and government
Mexico -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Mexico -- History -- Revolution, 1910-1920 -- Drama
Mexico -- History -- 1910-1946 -- Pictorial works
Revolutionaries -- Mexico -- Biography
Art and revolutions -- Mexico