Handbook Of Latin American Studies
A hand-selected bliography on Latin America from the Library of Congress which began in 1935. Non-English language material is included in this source.
Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI)
An index of Latin American journal articles with links to some full text. Coverage begins in the 1970s.
Historical Abstracts
1960 to present.
Abstracts for scholarly historical articles, books and dissertations covering the the world except for North America.
America: History and Life
1960 to present.
Abstracts for scholarly historical articles, books and dissertations covering Canada and the United States.
Academic Search Complete
Date coverage varies.
Covers scholarly journals in the social sciences, humanities and science, as well as general interest magazines. About 60% of the articles are in full text.
Date coverage varies.
A full text database covering full runs of journals except for the most recent three to five years.
PAIS: Public Affairs Information Service
Includes "publications on all subjects that bear on contemporary public issues and the making and evaluation of public policy, irrespective of source or traditional disciplinary boundaries." Sources may be periodical articles, books, government documents, or the reports of public and private organizations.
Reader's Guide Retrospective
Bibliographic index of the most popular general-interest periodicals published in the United States from 1890-1982. An excellent place to find pictures, short news articles, opinions of the the twentieth century in the U.S.