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International Relations

Country Overviews

Europa World (online). Includes Europa World Year Book and the nine Regional surveys of the world, including Africa South of the Sahara and The Middle East and North Africa.
Europa World Year Book, 1963-present (a.k.a Europa Year Book). Best Bet
Main Ref JN1 .E85, Main Ref JN1 .E852

Titles below aren't current but are good for historical background. See Europa World (online) for latest.

Western Europe, 1990-2004 (with gaps)
Main Ref HC240.A1 W47

Central and South-eastern Europe, 2003-2004
Main Ref HC244.A1 C46

Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States, 1992-1999 (with gaps)
Main Ref HC244.A1 E225

Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia, 2003-2004
Main Ref HC244.A1 E293

The Middle East and North Africa, 1965/1966-2004 (with gaps)
Main Ref DS49 .M5
Main Libr DS49 .M5

South Asia, 2004, 2007
Main Libr DS331 .S6518

The Far East and Australasia, 1969-2007 (with gaps)
Main Ref DS1 .F3
Main Libr DS1 .F3

Africa South of the Sahara, 1971-2004 (with gaps)
Main Ref DT351 .A37
Main Libr DT351 .A37

South America, Central America and the Caribbean, 1986-2008 (with gaps)
Main Libr F1414.2 .S68

The USA and Canada, 1990-2004 (with gaps)
Main Libr E38 .U72
Main Ref E38 .U72

World Factbook, CIA (print and online) (1980-present). Best Bet
"provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities." Also provides comparative tables. Previous title: National basic intelligence factbook.

National basic intelligence factbook, CIA, 1975-1980 (online)
Govt Doc PrEx3.10:N21 (1976-1980 with gaps, print)
This is the predecessor title of the World Factbook.

Political handbook of the world, 2005-present (online) Best Bet
Main Ref JF37 .P6, Main Libr JF37 .P6, 1928-present (with gaps) (print)

Statesman's Yearbook (print and online), 1866-present (with gaps).
Main Ref JA51 .S7 (These are shelved both with the rest of the Main Ref collection and in the "Bookhenge" area on the 1st floor.)

Country information, U.S. Department of State

Background Notes, U.S. Department of State. Prior to 20 January 2001; 2001-2009

To find Country Studies, a.k.a. Area Handbooks, search Compass as follows:
[COUNTRY] AND ("area handbook" OR "country study")
Some editions are online, e.g. Country Studies from the Library of Congress. Best Bet

SIPRI yearbook : world armaments and disarmament Main Ref JX1974 .S84 (print). "An authoritative and independent source of data and analysis on armaments, disarmament, and international security."

Political Risk Yearbook, from the PRS Group, a political risk analysis organization. It is available through our Journals & Newspapers Search.