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Research Guides

International Relations


To see a partial list of International Relations periodicals owned by Bowdoin, do a subject search in Compass on "International Relations -- Periodicals". Here's a list of some scholarly IR journals:

  • Foreign affairs
  • World Politics
  • Current History
  • Foreign Policy
  • Global Governance
  • International Affairs
  • International Organization
  • International Studies Quarterly
  • New Left Review
  • Political Science Quarterly
  • Review of international studies

Find Journal Articles

Courtesy of United Nations web site

Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
Political science database providing thorough indexing coverage of both domestic and international political science scholarship.

Backfile of scholarly journal articles, usually full runs of journals and excluding the most recent issues.

Project Muse
Current, growing collection of online scholarly journal articles.

Fulltext database of working papers, conference proceedings, policy briefs and other materials for the study of international relations, produced collaboratively by the Columbia University Libraries and Columbia University Press.

PAIS Index, 1915-present
Index for "publications on all subjects that bear on contemporary public issues and the making and evaluation of public policy, irrespective of source or traditional disciplinary boundaries." Sources include articles, books, government documents and NGO reports.

Primary index for the scholarly literature of economics, covering journal articles, books, and working papers, published from 1969 to the present.