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The Supreme Court & Social Change, Gov 1004: Home

Gov 1004

Professor: Maron Sorenson

Librarian: Barbara Levergood

Spiral Staircase, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States

Things every student should know about the library

  1. Library front page
  2. How and why to search Compass
  3. How to select an appropriate database from our list of databases
    • For journal articles in Political Science, choose: Database types > Journal Articles and Database Subjects > Government
      • Academic Search Complete [an excellent multidisciplinary database]
      • JSTOR [an excellent multidisciplinary database; articles are often embargoed for 1-10 years]
      • Worldwide Political Science Abstracts [an excellent database with a focus on PoliSci]
    • For journal articles in Law, choose: Database types > Journal Articles and Database Subjects > Law
    • Database types > Films (streaming)
    • Database types > Statistics
    • Database types > Newspapers - current, including web editions of:
      • New York Times Digital Edition - Academic Site License
      • Washington Post Digital Edition - Academic Site License
      • Wall Street Journal Digital Edition - Academic Site License
  4. How to get access to journal articles
  5. What about stuff that Bowdoin does not have?
  6. Find print materials on the shelves. The value and risk in browsing.
  7. Evaluate materials
  8. How to tell whether an item is relevant to your topic and worth reading
  9. How to decide what type of resource would best suit your needs
  10. How to maximize the chances of finding highly relevant materials
  11. How to find the information you need to create a citation
  12. How can a librarian assist you?
  13. And more

Ask me!

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Erin Valentino
Room 111-D in H-L