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Imagining Disaster, Hist 3200: Home

Hist 3200

Professor: David Hecht

Librarian: Barbara Levergood

Primary sources

Use Primary Sources in American History for ideas and inspiration, even for topics outside the U.S.

Secondary sources

Scholarly journal articles

Which databases are available for scholarly journal articles?

For articles in History, everyone should search America: History and Life (for disasters in the U.S. and Canada) or Historical Abstracts (for disasters elsewhere in the world).

Also consider multidisciplinary databases such as Academic Search Complete and JSTOR.

In addition, think about which disciplines might have scholarly interest in the disaster or its causes and effects. Choose a discipline from our list of databases and choose one of the "Best Bets" for scholarly articles or ask us for advice. Here are some suggestions:


History (U.S. and Canada) America: History and Life
History (elsewhere) Historical Abstracts
Multidisciplinary Scopus (especially for sciences and social sciences)
JSTOR (keeping the embargo in mind)
Academic Search Complete
Agriculture Agricultural & Environmental Science Database
Business Business Premium Collection
Criminal Justice NCJRS Abstracts Database
Economics EconLit
Environmental Studies Agricultural & Environmental Science Database
Environment Complete
Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Gender Studies Database
Government Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
Law Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective, 1908-1981
Index to Legal Periodicals and Books (1982- )
Medicine PubMed
Psychology PsycINFO
Science (general) General Science Abstracts
Social Sciences Scopus
Social Science Database
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
Sociology Sociological Abstracts


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Erin Valentino
Room 111-D in H-L