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Contemporary American Education, ED 1101: Standards, Accountabiliy, and Accessment

Spring 2023


Current, adopted standards most likely will be found on the state's education website.   Some states have established accountability/standard offices and/or the standards information will be found in the state legislature web site.

Here are few national sources of information:

Common Core State Standards Initiative

Next Generation Science Standards
A resource website "for states, by states."

Includes map with state adoptions and the links to the state's related sources.


Accountability & Assessment

Accountability and assessment information may be found on the state's education website.  Some states have established education assessment and accountability offices and/or this information can be found in the state laws and state legislature web sites.

Here are links to begin your search:

Accountability & Assessment
A list maintained by the US Dept. of Education

No Child Left Behind
Information from the US Dept. of Education

Teacher Certification

Most state education websites contain teacher certification information.  If you are not able to locate this information on your state's website try the links below.

Certification Requirements
Compiled by the University of Kentucky, College of Education