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Introduction to Environmental Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches, ENVS 1101: Other

Government Documents

Statistical sources

  • Statistical Abstract of the United States.
    Formerly published by the U.S. Census Bureau. "Comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States." A great place to start looking for data. Even if the data that you want are not there, look at the footnotes for relevant tables and the introduction to the relevant section for pointers to more comprehensive sources. Previous editions, 1878-, are also available.
  • Historical Statistics of the United States.
    Comprehensive, searchable collection of statistics, including 37,000+ data sets that can be downloaded. A historical supplement to the Statistical Abstract of the United States. A great place to start looking for data. Footnotes to tables lead you to more detailed or more current data. The introduction to each section provides a helpful summary of major sources. Previous editions are available from the Census Bureau, HathiTrust, and elsewhere online and in print.
  • Census of Agriculture, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Most recently taken every 5 years ending in "2" or "7".
  • Landings. 1950-present, National Marine Fisheries Service.

Diaries, memoirs, autobiographies, letters, interviews, oral histories, speeches, etc.

Books and other materials in library catalogs

Suggested very broad keyword searches:
[YOUR TOPIC OR NAME] AND (diaries OR diary OR correspondence OR letters OR interviews OR "personal narratives" OR "personal narrative" OR "oral histories" OR "oral history" OR autobiograph* OR memoir* OR sermon* OR speeches OR speech OR addresses OR address)

[YOUR TOPIC OR NAME] AND ("documentary histories" OR "documentary history" OR archives OR sources)

For a more specific search, search Compass, MaineCat, or WorldCat (a national database of library catalog records):

  • for a name, class of persons, or ethnic group and the word "diaries", e.g.

    Cocteau AND diaries
    soldiers AND diaries
    "Canadian Americans" AND diaries
    to broaden the search: "Canadian Americans" AND (diaries OR diary)

  • for the name of the writer or addressee, class of persons, or ethnic group and the word "correspondence", e.g.

    "Scholl, Hans" AND correspondence
    "college students" AND correspondence
    naturalists AND correspondence

  • for a name, class of persons, or ethnic group and the word "interviews", e.g.

    Mitchell AND interviews
    businesswomen AND interviews

  • on a name of event or war and the quoted phrase "personal narratives" to retrieve eyewitness or autobiographical accounts, e.g.

    "Hurricane Katrina" AND "personal narratives"
    "Korean War" AND "personal narratives"

  • on the name of the individual using a subject search to retrieve autobiographies or memoirs, e.g.

    "Twain, Mark"

  • subject search in Compass, WorldCat, HathiTrust, or Historical Abstracts for travelogues on the name of your country and the word "travel", e.g.

    china AND travel

  • similarly search on:
    [YOUR TOPIC OR NAME] AND (sermons OR sermon)
    [YOUR TOPIC OR NAME] AND (addresses OR address)
    [YOUR TOPIC OR NAME] AND (speeches OR speech)


To narrow your search even more, you can search the following terms/phrases in subject headings:
addresses, correspondence, diaries, interviews, letters, personal narratives, sermons, speeches, archives, sources.
