Generally, a recorded vote is one "in which members are recorded by name for or against a measure".
Guide to Congress. 6th ed., p. 1297.
In the Senate, there are commonly two types of votes: voice votes and roll call votes. Only the roll call vote is a recorded vote.
In the House, there are four types of votes. Two types are recorded: recorded votes and yeas and nays. Voice votes and division votes are not recorded votes.
Guide to Congress. 6th ed., pp. 582-583, 1288-1289, 1297, 1298, 1302.
CQ Almanac (Online, 1945-2020)
Govt Index JK1 .C66 (Print volumes, 1945-2020)
CQ Vote Studies: Party Unity; Presidential Support
Almanac of American Politics (online, 2000-; print, 1974-) Best Bet
Main Ref JK 1012 .A44 or Main Libr JK 1012 .A44
Group Ratings (of 10 interest groups). National Journal Ratings (relative liberalism and conservatism).
Politics in America, 1990-2014 (ceased)
Main Ref JK 1010 .P64, Main Libr JK 1010 .P64
Similar to Almanac of American Politics. A volume is issued for each Congress. Organized by state, it includes for each member: biography, committees, key votes, CQ Vote Studies, election results, party unity, presidential support, and interest group ratings; and for members of the House, description of the district. Also includes committees, campaign finance, state profiles, member statistics, House and Senate committee rosters, etc.
Congressional Roll Call
1969, 1972-2013
Main Ref JK1 .C6635
Includes party unity, presidential support, key votes, roll call votes, etc.
National journal (online)
Main Periodical (print)
v.9:43- 1977-
(Use PAIS to search for some of the articles published in National Journal before our electronic subscription begins in 1994.)
Vote Ratings (relative liberalism and conservatism) included in a February issue.
Senate Record Votes
1987-2004 (100th-108th)
Issued as committee prints.
The Senate Democratic Policy Committee or the Senate Republican Policy Committee prepared these compilations of Senate voting records and analyses for rollcall votes for each session of Congress, 1987-2004. Included: party cohesion, measure of party support on this vote.
To find these, search on "Senate Record Votes" in one of the sources for or indexes to Committee Prints.
How to Find Congressional Votes, U.S. Senate.
These are resources that provide lists of members who voted (in a recorded vote) on a particular bill on the floor of the House or Senate. These are not necessarily the best resources for examining or compiling the voting record of a particular member.
Sources that are particularly easy to use for the given congresses/years are marked as a Best Bet. If you want to use an authoritative primary source (Congressional Record and its predecessors, Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States and Journal of the Senate of the United States), consider beginning with an easier to use source, if available, to determine whether the vote was recorded and to collect the date and the vote number. This information may facilitate using the primary sources.
In most cases, begin by finding (a) the bill number and (b) the year or the congress number and session of the bill whose vote you are looking for.
Title | Chamber | Congress | Years | Format | Location | Notes |
Congressional Record and predecessors | both | 1-present | 1789-present | Most comprehensive source of votes at Bowdoin. See sources for the CR and predecessors at Cong. Debate. Use "History of Bills and Resolutions" in one of the last volumes of the year in the CR as an index. List is by vote position then by name; party and state are not provided. | ||
Past Votes | both | 1-present | 1789-present | online | Past Votes, C-SPAN. Best Bet | Lots of ways to filter. Information on recent votes may be more complete than that on historical votes. |
Roll Call Votes | both | 1-present | 1789-present | online | Best Bet | About their sources. |
United States Congressional Roll Call Voting Records, ICPSR | both | 1-105 | 1789-1998 | download data files | United States Congressional Roll Call Voting Records | A specialized resource. One dataset for each congress and chamber. Vote position, name, party, state, and district are provided. |
Roll Call Data | both | 1-113 | 1789-2014 | download data files | | A specialized resource. One dataset for each congress and chamber. Vote position, name, party, state, and district are provided. |
CQ Almanac | both | 79-116 | 1945-2020 | online | CQ Almanac | In more recent issues, look for "Key Votes". Only key votes included. List is by state, then by district and name; font style indicates party. Discontinued. |
80, 2nd sess.-116 | 1948-2020 | Govt Index JK1 .C66 | ||||
CQ Magazine (formerly CQ Weekly) | both | 88, 2nd sess.-present | 1964-present | Govt Index JK1 .C15 | In more recent issues, look for "For the Record". Only key votes included. List is by state, then by district and name; font style indicates party. | |
98-present | 1983-present | online | CQ Magazine (formerly CQ Weekly) | |||
Congressional Roll Call |
both | 92, 2nd sess.-present | 1972-present | Main Ref JK1 .C6635 Best Bet | Start with Senate and House "Roll Call Votes by Bill Number". List is by state, then by district and name; font style indicates party. | |
Project Vote Smart | both | 99, 2nd sess., 102-present | 1986, 1991-present | online | Project Vote Smart Best Bet | Look for "The Voting Record". Only key votes included. Fully sortable list provides state, district, name, party, and vote position. | |
both |
H: 101, 2nd sess.-present S: 101-present |
HR: 1990-present S: 1989-present |
online | Roll Call Votes by the U.S. Congress Best Bet | Points to the content on the House and Senate websites. |
ProQuest Congressional Vote Reports | both | 100-present | 1987-present | online | ProQuest Congressional > Vote Reports | List is by state then by name. District, party, and vote position are also provided. |
Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, a.k.a. House Journal | House | 1-43 | 1789-1875 | online | Library of Congress, A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation | Use "History of Bills and Resolutions" at the back of the volume as an index. List is by vote position then by name; party and state are not provided. |
60-present | 1907-present | Govt Doc XJH | ||||
102, 2nd sess.-present | 1992-present | online | search or browse Journal of the House of Representatives in govinfo | |||
U.S. House of Representatives Roll Call Votes, U.S. House of Representatives |
House | 101, 2nd sess.-present | 1990-present | online | Roll Call Votes Best Bet | From the Office of the Clerk. List is by vote position then by name; party and state are not provided. |
Journal of the Senate of the United States, a.k.a. Senate Journal | Senate | 1-43 | 1789-1875 | online | Library of Congress, A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation | Use "History of Bills and Resolutions" at the back of the volume as an index. List is by vote position then by name; party and state are not provided. |
60-present | 1907-present | Govt Doc XJS | ||||
Senate Record Votes |
Senate | 100-108 | 1987-2004 | varies | To find these, search on "Senate Record Votes" in one of the sources for or indexes to Committee Prints. | Lists by vote position, party, and then alphabetical by Senator's name. Member's state is not provided. |
Senate Roll Call Votes, U.S. Senate |
Senate | 101-present | 1989-present | online | Senate Roll Call Votes Best Bet | Three separate lists are alphabetical by Senator's name, by vote position, and by state. Member's party and state are provided. |
Title | Chamber | Congress | Years | Format | Location | Notes |