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Congressional Documents: Committees


House Committees, U.S. House of Representatives

Senate Committees, U.S. Senate


For committee jurisdictions, see the "Committee Jurisdiction" box on the Rules and Procedures tab.

See also "Agendas and Priorities of Congressional Leadership".

Committee membership

Committees in the U.S. Congress, 1789-1946
Main Ref JK1029 .C64 2002

Committees in the U.S. Congress, 1947-1992
Main Ref JK1029 .N45 1993

Committees in the U.S. Congress, 1993-2010
Main Ref JK1029 .C645 2011

Congress and the Nation
Govt Index JK411 .C6
1945-present (print)
Congress and the Nation, 2013-2016 (online)
Published annually. Exceedingly useful tool. Each annual volume summarizes selected Congressional action on a full range of topics: appropriations, defense, commerce, agricultural, health, economy, etc. Also includes congressional leadership, roll call votes, key votes, voting analyses (presidential support, party unity, voting participation), list of public laws passed, etc. For public laws, provides a brief history of a bill, including bill numbers, committee reports, date signed by the President, etc.

Almanac of American Politics (online, 2000-; print, 1974-) Best Bet
Main Ref JK 1012 .A44 or Main Libr JK 1012 .A44
A volume is issued for each Congress. Organized by state. It includes for each member: biography, political activities, committees, key votes, group ratings, National Journal ratings, election results, and for members of the House, description of the district and demographics. Also includes leadership, state profiles, campaign finance, etc. The entries for the chairs and committee members may include discussion of those individuals' roles and activities on the committees.

Politics in America, 1990-2014 (ceased)
Main Ref JK 1010 .P64, Main Libr JK 1010 .P64
Similar to Almanac of American Politics. A volume is issued for each Congress. Organized by state, it includes for each member: biography, committees, key votes, CQ Vote Studies, election results, party unity, presidential support, and interest group ratings; and for members of the House, description of the district. Also includes committees, campaign finance, state profiles, member statistics, House and Senate committee rosters, etc.

Washington Information Directory (print, online)
Main Libr F192.3 .W33
Includes information on committee jurisdiction and committee and subcommittee membership.

Congressional yellow book, 2013-
Main Ref, Main Libr JK1012 .C652
Previously: Congressional staff directory, 1959-2012 (with gaps)
Main Libr JK1012 .C65
Includes information on committee jurisdiction.

Official congressional directory (print; newer editions online)
Govt Ref, Govt Doc Y 4.P 93/1:1/

Committee rosters and schedules in ProQuest Congressional > Members & Committees > Committees


Senate Committee & Subcommittee Assignments
From the U.S. Senate.

Committee and subcommittee assignments for the ... Congress, Senate (online)

Senate Calendar of Business

Current Congress

Committee Directory and Official List of Standing Committees and Subcommittees
Current Congress. From the U.S. House of Representatives.

Committee Membership List
Current congress. From the U.S. Senate.

Committee Rosters and General Information
Choose "Members & Committees"/"Committees" on the left. Current Congress. From ProQuest Congressional.

Congressional Committees,

Data files

Congressional Committees, Historical Standing Committees, 1789-1947
From Charles Stewart, MIT.

Congressional Committees, Historical Standing Committees, 1947-1992
Corresponds to Committees in the U.S. Congress, 1947-1992. From Charles Stewart, MIT.

Congressional Committees, Modern Standing Committees, 103rd-112th Congresses
From Charles Stewart, MIT.

Committee history and activities (retrospective)


Committee History
From the U.S. House of Representatives.

House Rules and Manual  (Constitution, Jefferson's Manual, and Rules of the House of Representatives)
104th Congress to Present
"Contains the fundamental source material for parliamentary procedure used in the House of Representatives." Rule X in the section on House Rules pertains to the organization of committees, including their jurisdictions and history. To find this publication for other congresses since 1909, search Compass as follows, substituting the spelled-out ordinal congress number desired:
"Constitution, Jefferson's Manual, and Rules" AND "eighty-fifth"

Record of House committee actions (organized chronologically by committee) is found in the House Journal.


Senate Standing, Select, Special, and Joint Committees
From the U.S. Senate. Includes information on committee history

Some Senate committees issue a "legislative activities report". Search for them in databases that include Senate Reports. Example: Legislative Activities Report of the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate, S. Rept. 115-22.


Committee Histories, "These histories are compiled by the committee and generally include information on the membership, jurisdiction, and important legislative issues the committee has handled."

These CQ publications may include short histories of the committees.

Congressional committees, 1789-1982 : a checklist
Main Ref JK1029 .S78 1985
Includes dates of establishment, termination, and authorities; name changes; and Superintendent of Documents numbers.

Some House and Senate committees publish regular reports on their activities which may be titled "Report on the Activities [...]", "Report on the Activity [...]", "Activities of [...]", "Accomplishments Report", "Report [...] Accomplishments" etc. Search for these in databases that include Committee Prints, House and Senate Documents, and/or House and Senate Reports. Example: "Report on the Activities of the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives During the One Hundred Eleventh Congress", H.rpt. 111-712

Many committees have published a committee history that may include a history of its jurisdiction, summaries of legislative activities, and lists of members. Search for histories in databases that include Committee Prints, House and Senate Documents, and/or House and Senate Reports. Some examples:

See under Committee-Related Legislative Activity,

Record of committee meetings and hearings (organized chronologically) is found in the "Daily Digest" section of the Congressional Record.

Almanac of American Politics (online, print)
Main Ref JK 1012 .A44
A volume is issued for each Congress. Organized by state, it includes narrative descriptions of districts and demographics. Also congressional biographies, committees, and key votes. The entries for the chairs and committee members may include discussion of those individuals' roles and activities on the committees.

Committee schedules

Committee rosters and schedules in ProQuest Congressional > Members & Committees > Committees

Committee Schedule,, 1991-present

Congressional committee agendas & priorities (prospective)

In November of even numbered years, CQ Magazine (formerly CQ Weekly) published a series of articles on the agendas of House and Senate committees for the next Congress. For example: "115th Congress: House Budget Committee" (November 10, 2016). (Goes up to 2018)

Since ca. 2015, CQ Magazine has published "Legislative Previews", for example, Fall Legislative Preview: Immigration (Sept. 5, 2017).

C-SPAN Video Library and other sources for video and transcripts contain news conferences of and interviews with congressional leaders and committee chairs.

The opening statements of the committee chair and the ranking member in committee Hearings might provide clues as to their interests and priorities.


The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform issues a House Report summarizing each House committee's plans for oversight for the coming congress. Earlier reports may include a summary of oversight activities for the preceding congress. To find these House Reports, search on "oversight plans" in one of the sources for or indexes to Congressional Reports & Documents. Example: Oversight plans for all House committees, H.Rpt. 113-23

The House Budget Committee publishes an annual Committee Print that summarizes the views and estimates of each of the House committees regarding the budget for the next fiscal year. An individual committee might also publish its own "views and estimates". Examples:

Green Book, "background material and statistical data on the major entitlement programs and other activities within the [...] jurisdiction [of the House Committee on Ways and Means-BL]. Over the decades, the Green Book has become a valuable resource and standard reference on American social policy"