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United States Congress, Gov 2010: The Gems

Some of the Gems

1. News

 right arrow  More news sources (current, historical, audio/video, and more), including Audio & Video News; Transcripts.

 right arrow See also the "Secondary Sources" tab on this guide.

New York Times [1851-2010] [1980-present] [website]

Washington Post [1877-1996] [1996-present] [website]

Wall Street Journal [1889-1995] [1984-present] [website]

CQ Magazine. Published weekly. "In-depth reports on issues looming on the congressional horizon, plus a complete wrap up the previous week's news, including the status of bills in play, behind-the-scenes maneuvering, committee and floor activity, debates and all roll-call votes."

C-SPAN Video Library. Provides video of all C-SPAN programming since 1987, many on public policy.

C-SPAN Congressional Chronicle. Member information, committee information, votes, recorded and live video proceedings & hearings, and more.

Maine Newsstand

Other sources:

2. Reference sources, great for general and background information

 right arrow See also the "Secondary Sources" tab on this guide.

 right arrow See also "CQ publications" in the box at the bottom of this page.

 right arrow See also the "Members & Districts"  tab on this guide.

Almanac of American Politics (online, 2000-; print, 1974-)
Main Ref JK 1012 .A44 or Main Libr JK 1012 .A44
A volume is issued for each Congress. Organized by state. It includes for each member: biography, political activities, committees, key votes, group ratings, National Journal ratings, election results, and for members of the House, description of the district and demographics. Also includes leadership, state profiles, campaign finance, etc. The entries for the chairs and committee members may include discussion of those individuals' roles and activities on the committees.

Congressional yellow book, 2013-
Main Ref, Main Libr JK1012 .C652
Previously: Congressional staff directory, 1959-2012 (with gaps)
Main Libr JK1012 .C65

Washington Information Directory (print, online)
Main Libr F192.3 .W33
Includes information on committee jurisdiction and committee and subcommittee membership. "Provides access to accurate, timely, and complete legislative information for Members of Congress, legislative agencies, and the public."

House Directory of Representatives


The Wayback Machine may have captured previous versions of a Member's website. "The Internet Archive Wayback Machine is a service that allows people to visit archived versions of Web sites. Visitors to the Wayback Machine can type in a URL, select a date range, and then begin surfing on an archived version of the Web."

Congressional district data via District demographic data is also found in Almanac of American Politics (see above).

3.a. Congressional Record

 right arrow See also the "Cong.Debate"  tab on this guide.

govinfo, Government Publishing Office, Library of Congress


C-SPAN Video Library. Provides video of all C-SPAN programming since 1987, many on public policy.

3.b. Committee Hearings

 right arrow See also the "Committee Hearings&Prints" tab on this guide.

govinfo, Government Publishing Office

ProQuest Congressional. New: Congressional Hearing Print Request. Bowdoin students, faculty, and staff may request that a hearing be printed, bound, and delivered to your campus address in 2-4 days.

C-SPAN Video Library. Provides video of all C-SPAN programming since 1987, many on public policy.

4. Legislation

 right arrow  See also the guide Congressional Documents: Bills&Resolutions., Library of Congress

govinfo, Government Publishing Office


 right arrow See also the "Committees"  tab on this guide.

 right arrow For committee jurisdiction, check the committee website, use Washington Information Directory (see above), or use Rules&Procedures tab.

House Committees, U.S. House of Representatives

Senate Committees, U.S. Senate


 right arrow See also the "Elections" tab on this guide.

Almanac of American Politics (see above)

CQ Voting and Elections Collection



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Erin Valentino
Room 111-D in H-L

CQ publications (Congressional Quarterly)

Title Location Notes
CQ Magazine (formerly CQ Weekly)

Govt Index JK1 .C15, 1964-2012

online, 1983-present

Weekly. "In-depth reports on issues looming on the congressional horizon, plus a complete wrap up the previous week's news, including the status of bills in play, behind-the-scenes maneuvering, committee and floor activity, debates and all roll-call votes."
CQ Almanac

Govt Index JK1 .C66 (print), 1945-2020

online, 1945-2020


Annual. Exceedingly useful. Each volume summarizes selected Congressional action on a full range of topics: appropriations, defense, commerce, agricultural, health, economy, etc. Also includes congressional leadership, roll call votes, key votes, voting analyses (presidential support, party unity, voting participation), list of public laws passed, etc. For public laws, provides a brief history of a bill, including bill numbers, committee reports, date signed by the President, etc.
Congress and the Nation

Govt Index JK411 .C6 (print), 1945-present

online, 1945-present

Every 4 years (presidential term).