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Jazz: Library Catalogs

Finding Resources in the Library

Books, videos, music and other resources can be borrowed from Bowdoin, Colby, Bates, and libraries in the Northeast and beyond.
Search boxes for the various catalogs are available on this page.

Information about jazz and jazz musicians can be found in a wide-range resources and the term jazz has been applied a wide-range of music, including blues, ethnic folk music, world music, and popular music.  You should be creative with your searches and try alternate terms and subject headings and resources in a variety of subject areas. 

Also, the subject of jazz is subdivided in the catalog by the decade of composition, for example:
Jazz--1921-1930; Jazz--1931-1940, etc.

Books (About Jazz)
Often great resources can be found by browsing the shelves in the H-L or Music Library.  Books published before 2009 can be found in the Hubbard stacks, 1st floor; books published in the last two years are available in the Music Library
For books on:

Jazz History,
     browse: ML3505-ML3521
Jazz Musicians,
     browse: ML385-ML402 and ML417-ML422
Jazz improvisation, etc.
     browse: MT68
Jazz instruction for specific instruments are found under each instrument
     browse: MT170-MT810

Collections of jazz music can be found in collections of transcriptions of various musicians, collections for individual instruments and in "fakebook" collections of jazz and popular music. 
The Music Library also has a collection of jazz charts.  These can be found on the back wall in the reading room under call numbers beginning with Jazz.

Jazz "Fakebooks"
     browse: M1366
For transcriptions and collections for individual instruments or artists, search the catalog

Sound Recordings
CDs and LPs of jazz recordings can be found in the Music Library CD cabinets and LP shelves under the call numbers beginning with "Jazz" or "US-Ethno" and "Ethno."
There are also large collections of online recordings available; these may will not be found in the catalog.

Library Catalogs

Advanced Search

Guide to the Catalogs

CBBcat-Search for resources at Colby, Bates and Bowdoin.

MaineCat--Search for resources at Maine public libraries and private and public colleges and universities; submit borrowing requests. 

WorldCat--Search for resources in many formats at libraries and institutions around the world; materials found in WorldCat may be borrowed through ILL at the discretion of the lender.