The national conventions and platforms of all political parties, 1789 to 1900 ; convention, popular, and electoral vote. Also, the political complexion of both Houses of Congress at each biennial period.
Bowdoin Main Libr JK2255 .M23 1900
National Party Platforms
Main Ref JK2255 .J64 1978
Covers 1840-1956.
Guide to Political Platforms
Main Libr JK2261 .C48 1977
CQ Almanac (online, 1945-2020)
Govt Index JK1 .C66 (print, 1948-2013)
Published annually. Publishes the platforms of the Democratic and Republican parties
CQ Magazine (formerly CQ Weekly) (online, 1983-present)
Govt Index JK1 .C15 (print, 1964-2012)
Published weekly. Publishes the platforms after the nominating conventions.
American Politics (Non-Partisan) From the Beginning to Date (book)
Main Ref JK2261.C8 1883
Covers the first eight or so decades of American politics; includes history of political parties and party platforms.
Platforms also can be found online at the party Web sites.
Platform committee meetings are often covered by C-SPAN.